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MapLink™ Procedures | Contractor's Yard and Landscape Contractor's Yard

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Contractor's Yard and Landscape Contractor's Yard
(a) Exemptions; design standards for certain existing yards. All existing contractor's yards and landscape contractor's yards in the CA or LI Zoning District as of the date of this amendment that existed prior to December 31, 2014, shall not be required to obtain a special permit, but shall file for site plan review with an as-built plot plan by the City of Marlborough Site Plan Review Committee within nine months of the effective date of this subsection and complete site plan review within 24 months of the effective date of this subsection. Said site plan review shall be limited to the following design standards:
[1] Screening. To the maximum extent practicable, the yard shall be adequately screened from the street and adjacent properties to obscure the vehicles parked thereon, and the equipment and/or materials stored therein, to create an effective visual barrier.

[2] Vehicles, equipment and/or materials. To the maximum extent practicable, all vehicles, equipment and/or materials associated with the yard must be stored on and accessed from impervious or otherwise dust-free surfaces.

[3] Flammable, combustible or dangerous substances. A yard shall not store excessive quantities of flammable, combustible or dangerous substances, and may be required to comply with the notification, reporting and permitting requirements set forth in SARA Title III (the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act, or EPCRA) and/or MGL c. 148.

[4] Maximum size of yard. The maximum size of the yard (including all structures, parking and driveways on the lot) shall not exceed the percentage of maximum lot coverage permitted under § 650-41 for the zoning district in which the lot is located. If the yard exceeds said lot coverage percentage, the yard shall not increase its lot coverage and shall be made compliant within 24 months of the effective date of this subsection.
For yards that are in compliance with a prior special permit or site plan approval, no special permit or site plan review is required.

(b) Design standards for all other permissible yards. Yards shall require a special permit, and site plan approval by the City of Marlborough Site Plan Review Committee, whose review shall include, but not be limited to, the following design standards.
[1] Screening. Yard shall be adequately screened from the street and adjacent properties to obscure the vehicles parked thereon, and the equipment and/or materials stored therein, to create an effective visual barrier from ground level to a height of at least five feet.

[2] Vehicles, equipment and/or materials. All vehicles, equipment and/or materials associated with the yard must be stored on and accessed from impervious or otherwise dust-free surfaces.

[3] Flammable, combustible or dangerous substances. A yard shall not store excessive quantities of flammable, combustible or dangerous substances, and may be required to comply with the notification, reporting and permitting requirements set forth in SARA Title III (the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act, or EPCRA) and/or MGL c. 148.

[4] Maximum size of yard. The maximum size of the yard, when combined with all structures, parking and driveways on the lot being proposed for the lot on which the yard is proposed to be located, shall not exceed the percentage of maximum lot coverage permitted under § 650-41 for the zoning district in which the lot is located.

[5] Proximity to existing residential zoning districts/uses. (i) Yard shall not be located on a lot less than 200 feet from a residential zoning district, and on any lot if a residential use is being made of any abutting lot(s); and (ii) Minimum lot area. Minimum area of the lot shall be 22,500 square feet.

See § 650-18A(48) for detailed information.
See Permitting for information on permits.
See Site Plan Review for details.