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MapLink™ Procedures | Retirement Community - Multifamily (RCO-MF)

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Retirement Community - Multifamily (RCO-MF)
The City Council may, as a permit condition, require that all proposed condominium bylaws or similar binding RCO-MF regulations which may be relevant to the issuance of the permit, including but not limited to bylaw provisions prohibiting the presence of children residing in a retirement community and limiting or prohibiting the presence in a retirement community of boats, boat trailers, or recreational vehicles, be made a part of the special permit and that any change to or failure to enforce said provisions shall be a violation of said special permit.

The City Council may, as a permit condition, require that a proposed RCO-MF be constructed entirely on one tract and that, from and after the date of the issuance of the building permit for said community no subdivision of said tract shall be allowed without the express approval of the City Council; provided, however, that the recording of a condominium master deed and the conveyance of condominium units within the area covered by said deed shall be allowed.

See § 650-22: Retirement Community Overlay Districts for complete, detailed information.
See Permitting for information on permits.